
Christmas Fun and Frolics

Christmas Fun and Frolics

Helen and Derek McKinnel's home - Invercargill 24 - 28 December 2022

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On Christmas Eve we had a get together to thank those who had supported Helen and Derek through their difficult times over the past 18 months. Special guest of honour was the man who saved Derek’s life. It was the first time Derek had met the hero and was a very emotional experience.

Derek with his heart attack lifesaver

For Christmas Day Helen and Derek, Leslie’s sister and brother-in-law, generously opened their home to our extended family so nineteen family members could come together to celebrate.

This special day was a day of many firsts

The first time Johnny experienced a New Zealand Christmas

The first time ever that all of us who were there had been together

The first time the siblings, Brian, Helen and Leslie had been together for Christmas for more than 20 years

The oldies by the garage door

The first time Helen and Derek had catered for that many people in the home

The first time Johnny had eaten Christmas dinner in a car garage.

Christmas dinner in the garage

After dinner Brian, Helen and Leslie visited the head-stone of Samuel and Janet Campbell, their 3 times great grandparents who arrived in New Zealand in 1861.

Helen, Brian and Leslie at Campbell headstone

As family came and went over the four days there was lots of fun and new memories were made. We hope everyone reading this had a wonderful Christmas too and that the Church Family get together for more great times like this.