
Family Matters

Family Matters

Dunedin to Invercargill - 17th to 19th December 2022

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There can be no better way to start the day than another negative covid test followed by a slap-up breakfast at the Long Dog Cafe at St Clair owned and managed by the lovely Jackie, Paul and MacKenzie Murray on the edge of stunning St Clair beach.

Long Dog Cafe in Dunedin.

We left Dunedin feeling refreshed, replenished and ready for our next treat… Balclutha; the town where Leslie was born 68 years ago. We were gathering here to celebrate the 90th birthday of Leslie’s Uncle Ivan Scott. Having not hugged a member of Leslie’s family for over 6 years it was a thrill to meet both Brian and Jill Church and Helen and Derek McKinnel at the door. More hugs awaited inside. A very special gathering of 7 of Leslie’s Aunts and Uncles ranging in age from 82 to 95 years, 14 cousins and their partners and along with 9 of Ivan’s grandchildren and a great grandson. Such an amazing gathering of the Hollows clan along with Ivan’s family and neighbours. A truly fitting tribute for this humble, loving uncle who augmented each anecdote with his own quiet reflections and observations.

Leslie with uncle Ivan for a special birthday.

The venue for the lunch party was in the Town and Country Club in Yarmouth Street, the same street where Leslie’s grandparents lived for many years.

We continued the celebrations at the home of Russell and Barbara Hollows, Leslie’s Uncle and Aunt who were our hosts for the evening and the following morning we were able to dodge raindrops to tour their beautiful gardens.

Barbara Hollows garden in Balclutha.

From Balclutha we headed to Gore which is the town where Leslie’s parents retired to and where he went to school. We took with us some roses from Barbara’s garden and placed them at Margaret and Ivan’s headstone (Leslie’s parents). On to Invercargill and a night at Leslie’s sister and brother-in-law, Helen and Derek McKinnel. Their beautiful garden has been created since moving into the house 18 months previously whilst dealing with some very tough health issues.

Helen's garden in Invercargill.

Families are like the table we dine at; we sit together, each with unique views of the world, we have different tastes and will remember different things when we leave that table, but it’s a table filled with love from a deeper place, a safe space which can never be erased.